Darling in the Dahlias

Whether it's a corporate event or a wedding reception, re-purposing fresh flower centerpieces is always something I encourage my customers to do.  I offer to pick them up and donate them to patients at rehab centers, senior centers, or organizations of their choice.  Allowing others to be blessed by the beauty of their fresh flowers is a kind and generous gift to give.  

This summer one of my brides choose to give her centerpiece flowers to her sister to be used in a photo shoot with her little girl. What a beautiful way to share the beauty of all those gorgeous locally grown dahlias. Another bride had all of her colorful votive cups filled with blossoms go to one of the senior centers to decorate their tables for their weekly luncheon. This allowed each person to take home a cup of flowers. They were over the moon excited about it too. Others went to Meals on Wheels seniors delivered with their hot lunches. It warms my heart to have couples who are so generous to share their flowers with others in our community. It may require a little more work on my end, but it’s always worth it to see the smiles and hear how much joy they bring to the lives of others.